Thank crunchy it’s Friday.

We used to have a tradition on Fridays, elevenses. One of us would bring in a pack of doughnuts. At some point in the hour of eleven cups would be gathered, teas and coffees made. A shout would go up and no matter what you were doing all work stopped. We made our way to the beverage station.and claimed a doughnut along with a drink. For fifteen or twenty minutes we would stand and chat about anything – a book someone was reading, a humors incident, no topic was off-limits! Although I sensed there was an unwritten rule – no shop talk! That short break made the rest of the day go bye more easily, in fact we used to get more done.

It is sad to say the mobile phone has killed it. Now a days  people would prefer to stand in a corner and play with a machine than stand in a group and chat face to face.

What about reinstating elevenses?