Death of the web site

If you have been looking for our web site it no longer exists. It was a hard decision to make, we had become quite attached to the ageing site. To be honest it had been on life support for sometime, the number of patches it required to keep the ‘ailing body’ secure was taking up to much time.


So at the end of the month we allowed it to pass away…quietly! Now that it has gone we have more time to concentrate on the work we do. It just go’s to show what a lot of time was wasted on keeping it! We now have time to do the repairs,write and think what we would like to post on the blog again!

I hate shopping

From what I understand, the only people that are really missing our presences are the scammers and hackers. They no longer have email addresses that they can fill with rubbish that wasted someone’s time to delete everyday! … it was no surprise that the person who looked after this side of things took all of us out for a drink to celebrate!

We were warned that it would impact the business big time, but as yet we have not seen a drop in sales, if anything the phones are ringing more. Life has become simpler and healthier.


So what next! a new web site? All in good time, you may see a new one. At the moment we are enjoying the freedom, it allows us to concentrate on our customers more. A big plus for our second to none service we already provide.

Don’t forget you can still get in touch on twitter @plasweld1 or you can find our founder Mitch on Facebook. We are happy to take questions on both sites. You will also find lots of images of the repairs we have done.

Plastic welding book.

Free_hand_weldingWe have just finished putting together a guide on plastic welding. This is an insight into what went on. 

Sometime a go it was suggested that we write a book. I cannot believe that it has been four years since. It is a guide and to be honest the amount of time and effort need to pull a mere twenty five pages together is astounding. So I take my hat off to all those who write ten time plus this. 

For starters this being a guide it needed pictures of the tools, welding equipment and the different stages you needed to go through to reach the finished article. So a plan was put in place to get the photos needed to illustrate what we were describing. Initially pictures were going to be taken of the various jobs we were doing for our customers at differing stages of completion. But after viewing a selection of these we changed our minds because it did not look right. While all that was being done the tools etc were being set up and photographed. At least this part of the job was going OK.

Then life through a spanner in the works making it impossible to continue with the project so it went on the back burner temporally. Some two year later yes I know two year. Anyway we now had time to complete the book. It is funny how time changes


things all the pictures we had taken in the past were scraped they no longer suited our purpose which meant starting all over again. It did make me wonder if they were the right pictures in the first place.

The guide now had a new structure all the headings had been finalised and out lines of what should be included set out. Great the book was coming on in leaps and bounds. Even so it took months to write such a small number of words. The pictures took no time at all to do this time because we set up a special job that we could be photographed at each stage when we had the time between other work. These pictures look no different from those we took first time round but there is a continuity that was missing from the first selection.

This was always going to be a self publish job and after looking on the net we decided to go with blurb.  A decision we are starting to regret. It is always difficult when doing something for the first time and involving new software. All the blurb said it was easy to use and you could be done in a couple of hours, to be honest I took that with a pinch of salt. Just as well I did. It was a pain to use even when I got the hang of it. One of the biggest pains was it would not accept the table of setting we had put together it did not matter what we did it went wrong even when I rewrote the whole thing into the page. Man the air was blue. But we got round it.

The best part of a month went by before the lay out of the book was alright. It was checked five times and each time we found that some of the text was a different point


size. Two of those times two of us checked it at the same time and found fault. I is still not completely right but had a copy printed anyway.

A week or so later we received a book shaped package at the workshop. I have to say it was not what I was expecting. Having said that it is great little book for our first attempt. At this point I would like to thank all those who were involved and apologise for the blue air



Electro Glide.

The world of two-wheel transport is further ahead in the alternative fuel category.  The reason is its a  lighter vehicle to propel than its four-wheel counter part.

 But what I do not understand is the obsession that electric transport has to rely on battery’s that can only be charged with a plug, there by limiting its useability and distance it can travel before recharge. I know this maybe a simple view but why do none of these transport types have the latest solar electric panels as part of their build, to help keep the battery’s topped up. 

A typical drive to work means that you have to sit in standing traffic,  wouldn’t  it be great to think your little electic car is recharging itself  while your waiting in a que!  By doing this you have already extended the distance it can travel and with traffic volumes set to increase we are going to spend more and more time standing still.