Death of the web site

If you have been looking for our web site it no longer exists. It was a hard decision to make, we had become quite attached to the ageing site. To be honest it had been on life support for sometime, the number of patches it required to keep the ‘ailing body’ secure was taking up to much time.


So at the end of the month we allowed it to pass away…quietly! Now that it has gone we have more time to concentrate on the work we do. It just go’s to show what a lot of time was wasted on keeping it! We now have time to do the repairs,write and think what we would like to post on the blog again!

I hate shopping

From what I understand, the only people that are really missing our presences are the scammers and hackers. They no longer have email addresses that they can fill with rubbish that wasted someone’s time to delete everyday! … it was no surprise that the person who looked after this side of things took all of us out for a drink to celebrate!

We were warned that it would impact the business big time, but as yet we have not seen a drop in sales, if anything the phones are ringing more. Life has become simpler and healthier.


So what next! a new web site? All in good time, you may see a new one. At the moment we are enjoying the freedom, it allows us to concentrate on our customers more. A big plus for our second to none service we already provide.

Don’t forget you can still get in touch on twitter @plasweld1 or you can find our founder Mitch on Facebook. We are happy to take questions on both sites. You will also find lots of images of the repairs we have done.

Terms and conditions

This is a follow on from my bit about privacy policies.

In an article I read recently it makes it clear that a lot of you forget to look at the small print and I can understand why; it goes on for ever. Life is too short to spend hours running through terms,  conditions, privacy but by not doing so you are letting companies play god with your complacency. 

Game, a large retailer of gaming products, made  changes to its term and conditions to see how many of you read what you were signing up to when using their site. They added a paragraph that stated:

” you would grant them the right to your immortal soul in this life and the next”

 or words to that effect. While this paragraph was part of the conditions  over 7,500 of  you signed up to it. As part of the research they added an opt out that gave a £5 discount on your purchases, there were no takers, no surprise there then!

Most companies are fair-minded traders, but they are not helping themselves or their customers. They need to  change to make things more transparent for both sides. I would suggest that both terms, conditions and privacy should do what insurance companies have applied to their polices. The key facts stated in the first few ( I mean few!) paragraphs of these statements with links to further explanation if needed for the customer.  They need to be transparent stating the good and the bad.

 I get fed up with wasting my time  reading  terms and conditions to find hidden near the end the bad bits, when that appears I log off and go somewhere else. Companies need to understand that is lost revenue, I for one will not be back!

It is time we the customer took control of our web experience! Will this ever happen though, because not enough of us think we have the power to do so! The fact is we do, but while we stay complacent companies will take advantage.